Sunday, November 23, 2008

Splish splash I was taking a bath

I love this boy! Every now and then something happens that makes me stop and think about how quickly Chase is growing. This week was a big one. He grew out of his car seat, he now sits up in his bouncy seat so we had to put it in storage, and he started to put sounds together in an adorable attempt to talk.

I am feeling this overwhelming desire to protect him. I don't want him to tip over and bump his head, even though that is how he learns. I don't want anyone to take his toys, even though he just sits and smiles at the theif. :) All of these thoughts and feelings are creeping in on me as my baby, the one I'm supposed to protect is getting ready for surgery on Tuesday. Yes, the surgery is minor, but it is MY baby so it is huge to me. It is breaking my heart knowing that my sweet little boy has to go through this, and I can't do anything to prevent it. I know it is probably very silly to let myself get this worked up, but for now I just am. He is our greatest blessing, and I love this little guy more than I ever knew was possible. Just look at that face, how can you not just smile?


Angie said...

You are totally normal- ear tubes almost killed me!

Peggy said...

So cute! I can't believe how he's growing! The days are counting down, and soon you will be here!
You sound just like a "mom"! I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. Someday he'll know just how lucky he is to have a mom and dad like the both of you.

Vanessa said...

It doesn't matter how big or small it is always a a scary thing for a mother to have to go through. No mom want's to see their child have to go through anything like that, you are totally normal, and it never gets easy! Love you and will be thinking of you and our little buddy tomorrow. What a cute little stinker! He is growing up too fast! Hey by the way you might not get the chance to come down to St. George to visit because it is looking pretty good that we are moving back! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you! I'll call tomorrow to see how everything went.

AJ Gorham said...

I love this post. There is a huge lump in my throat. They grow far toooooo fast! Here I sit by my little night owl buddy Will. The cutest boys are most definitly born on March 21!!! Will says hi to baby Chase!