Friday, September 23, 2011

nana & bop

Six months! That is a really long time. It had been six months since we last saw my parents. That is just too long. We made up for lost time in their 10 days here. We stayed really busy, and I think we were all exhausted by the end of their trip!

Mother's Beach in Portland, Maine. It was beautiful! 

 Quechee Gorge is one of our favorite places in Vermont. The Gorge, along with a lot of other of our favorite places in Vermont were damaged by the flooding. We went on what ended up being a very short walk to see the Gorge, since it was closed. But, as always, it was still beautiful.

Everything always just looks better after by parents have been here. Last trip was the shelf building trip, this trip was the get the house ready to sell in the Spring trip! We sanded and stained the porch, cleaned up the front yard, and my dad organized the garage--because he's just really good at that!

We FINALLY took Chase on a real train ride! We went on the Hobo Railroad, and Chase was so adorable.

Chase & Nana
Chase started did this happen? I swear he was just born. Leaving my baby with someone else to teach him, wow, it was really hard. He has been all mine for 3 1/2 years. I probably would have been just fine keeping it that way forever. But I realize that it's not all about me. Even though my heart is still breaking every time I drop him off, he is thriving in school, and that is all that matters.


Esser Fam said...

Holy cuteness!!! All of the photos are so wonderful!! :). So glad Nan and Bop were able to spend the week! What a blessing!!

Adam B said...

Your boys are getting so big! I can't believe that we will both be done this Spring. We are sad that we won't be coming up for Thanksgiving, but I am sure we will see you in the not too distant future in Utah!!! Good luck selling the house.

kumar said...

hey nice baby. god bless you son

Nicole said...

Oh my! I miss you guys terribly! Come home..... Utah home! We are all ready. Love and miss you. I even miss that dang porch that needed a new fresh coat of stain and now I will never see that again. Sad news -but am happy to know it's all in preparation for the move "out West".

Erin the Mom said...

Thank goodness for the grandparents of the world. We sooo appreciate ours. Six months would be a tough wait without them. And babies grow too fast, I can't believe Chase is a preschooler!

Awg and Koff said...

I love the part about selling the house in spring because that means you will hopefully be coming home!!!

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sweet baby..

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harada57 said...
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