Tuesday, February 16, 2010

winter carnival

Usually 17" of ice, and 20 degree temps with a wind chill that was sure to be below zero is not my idea of a good time. But when I saw how much fun my little guy was having, the frostbitten fingers and runny noses all became unimportant--we really will do anything for this boy!

A slide made out of ice, no problem! He went down this slide SO FAST that he would slide right into people who were standing a good 15 ft away. He was definitely the smallest little dude going down the slide and was getting a lot of attention because it. When he was at the bottom, he would lay on his back like a beached whale waiting for his daddy to pick him up so he could do it all again.

This is just too good to pass up. Pants are no longer a necessity in his world, and really who needs pants when you look this *cute* without them? I. LOVE.THIS.BOY.


Here And Happy! said...

Can you even remember life without him? What a blast! He's adorable.

Peggy said...

Love to have been there...But your blog helps! Second thought, tooo cold! I'd love to wrap my little Chase up tight in a warm blanket, and just cuddle. Won't be much longer. Can't wait!

The Cobells said...

That is really cool. When you guys get back from Utah we will have to get together. Will's work will not be as bad then. Can't wiat.

Vanessa said...

So cute! I love the no pants and the hiked up socks. 24 days and counting!! Can't wait!!!!!!

Cher said...

that looks really fun! he's brave.

Alison Heiner said...

He is so cute. Looks like you're making the most of all the snow.

Steph and Andrew said...

I can't wait till you get here! I miss you guys soooo much!

Dena said...

What the Heck?! Where were you? What a wonderful place to be when it is so cold outside. You are all looking pretty happy. What a wonderful chaper in this life adventure.

love you all,

The Beckstroms said...

That looks like a blast! Miss you guys we need to get together. We both spaced calling for Olive's blessing, I was so sad :( Chase is too cute!!