Thursday, February 25, 2010

i can't wait

I can't believe that in 2 weeks my family and I are going to be getting onto one of these... to go here!

We're coming HOME, I can hardly say the word without tearing up. It has been too long since I have seen this beautiful state, and all the people that I love that live there. Way too long!


Mindi said...

YEAH!!! I am headed that way too on March 1st, and I feel the same way you do! can't wait!

Alison Heiner said...

How fun. I feel the same way about going home. It's such a special place.

Vanessa said...

Yes it has been WAY too long!!! Can't wait either. The kids are counting down the days too!

Steph and Andrew said...

I'm so excited....I just can't hide it...

The Beckstroms said...

Can we please hitch a ride in your suitcases? I would LOVE to visit good 'ol SLC!!

Peggy said...

Yes you are coming home! And it's now in 9 days! We're all so excited to have a week with you guys...(plus I'm taking the week off work!) We get so excited at the thought of going to the airport to pick you up! Can't wait!

Cassi said...

Yippiee! We are so excited!

Here And Happy! said...

Probably you're in SLC heaven right this minute! Hurray you guys.