Tuesday, November 17, 2009


over the past 2 months we have had, my brother and his family visit, Nate's sister and hubby visit, Nate's mom visit, and my mom....and much to my birthday surprise, my sister visit!!! Our home has been full of a lot of laughs, love, and memories.

My mom kind of took over for me while she was here, and boy oh boy did Chase ever have a good time! He had his nightly bubble bath, which he kind of had a love-hate relationship with? Now anytime he walks past the bathroom he yells, "bubbles!"
Thanks for all of the bubble baths, and and so much more.
He is so much fun, and growing up way too quickly! I just love that he has an opinion...most of the time! He picks a random thing that he just must have, this night was his UofU hat. He was all ready for bed, and insisted on wearing his hat. He is already a die hard UofU fan!
My Dad is amazing! He planned a surprise trip for my sister, Shauna to come for my birthday! I had NO idea, when she came walking through the door, wow! Thank you, all of you, who made it possible for my sister to come! Time with my big sister was just what I needed!


The Cobells said...

Oh, your family is so great! I bed you had a blast.

Peggy said...

What a wonderful time I had! Won't ever forget it! And ya know....I'd do it again in a heartbeat! I'm the luckiest mom in the world!!!!
I miss you terribly and can't wait to see you guys again. I love you little Chaser!!! xoxoxo

Alison Heiner said...

I bet it was so nice to see your family. Moving away really makes you appreciate them so much more. Chase is getting so big and he is so adorable. Pretty soon he'll be the age of our little Head Start preschoolers. Crazy.