Friday, October 30, 2009

grandma time

I am such a lucky lady! I have the most wonderful family who are willing to travel across the country when we need them. My sweet mother-in-law just spent the past 10 days here with us, and we had the best time! I cannot thank her enough for her love, support, and friendship she has shown me when I have really needed it. While I may have tears in my eyes right now, I am so grateful for the memories of this visit with her.

Dear Dena,

Telling you thank you is simply not enough to show you how grateful I am for you, and for all that you are for my family. We had such a wonderful time. Thank you....for everything.

lots of love,


The Cobells said...

It always gives me a little boost when family comes to visit. Are things good with you guys? I feel like we have not seen you forever.

Dena said...

Dearest Di,

I am blessed to have such an amazing daughter-in-law....
I have new respect for your courage and bravery. It is a very challenging trial you have chosen. No matter the imediate outcome, the lessons learned will serve you for an eternity. Stay really close to Heavenly Father, I can personally promise that you can be blessed with strength and guidence beyond your abilities. Comfort & peace will surround you as you have Faith and are patient.

I believe in you. I believe in God. I believe blessings are being sent to you right this very minute.

Love, Dena

The Beckstroms said...

I loved coming up to sew with you guys!! Thanks so much for the invite. I gave one of our creations to a friend at a shower the other day. We hope to see you guys soon and hope everyone is doing well.

Here And Happy! said...

Lucky grandma! Sounds like you had some real special time together. Hope everything is going well in Vermont. Thanks for taking our kids under wing out there. We miss them so much. And you!