Monday, April 13, 2009

We have had such a fun time the past 10 days! My parents came to visit and we loved every minute of it. Chase ate up every hug, kiss, and all the fun. He LOVES his Nan & Bop.

Chase says, thanks Nan for loving me so much! I loved all of your snuggles, and the funny noises you taught me to make. I had so much fun and I miss you already!
Thanks Bop! I had so much fun riding around in the wheelbarrow with you. I thought it was so funny. I will miss hearing you come up the stairs every morning calling my name! Thanks for all of the fun, I love and miss you!

Easter was kind of cold in Vermont-surprise, surprise! But we still managed to have a quick Easter egg hunt at the VanBibber's. Chase found his 2 eggs and he was happy with that. He is so stinking cute.

The HAIRCUT! Well, Chase's beautiful hair has really been growing lately. We decided after he turned one we would get his hair cut. He was able to wear a cool cape, hold a comb, and even sit in his daddy's lap. That wasn't good enough! He was MAD! I'm not sure if he was mad at the girl cuting his hair, or if he was mad at how she combed his hair before she cut it? In any case, he cried the entire time. Where was his Auntie Cassie when he needed her? We found out after that he probably just really didn't feel well. He ended up really sick the next day, which led to RSV. We had a scary week with a sick little guy, but he is a fighter and has gotten much better. I love my little guy, he is just the best!
I miss you Mom & Dad! Thanks for visiting, you guys are the best!


The Cobells said...

I'm glad Chase is feeling better. That's scary. That's so nice that your parents were able to come out and see you guys. We should get together soon.

Peggy said... opened the flood gates again! It takes a while for my heart to mend after I have to say goodbye to you guys. Your blog is priceless to me. We had such a good time and cherished each day we shared together. I too, am the luckiest mom and "Nan" in the world. Love you tons! Mom

kimmy said...

Great photos!! Love the one of Nan, Bop, and Chaser at Simon Pearce! So cute!! Glad you had a great time and that the fam was able to stay as long as they did!! :)

Cher said...

woah, RSV is scary! lucy's getting a cold right now, i hope my little guy doesn't get it. glad chase is feeling better

The Flitton's said...

Jackson had RSV this winter, too. It was awful! I feel for you guys. I love the picture of Chase getting his hair cut - he looks so cute.